First in a brand new series from the author of the rogue mage novels
Jane Yellowrock is the last of her kind-a skinwalker of Cherokee descent who can turn into any creature she desires and hunts vampires for a living. But now she's been hired by Katherine Fontaneau, one of the oldest vampires in New Orleans and the madam of Katie's Ladies, to hunt a powerful rogue vampire who's killing other vamps...
Since I heard so many good things about this series I thought it is time to pick it up and give it a try. It will be my new series I will be reading during my “fun” reading time, if I like it enough. The first book was for sure a world and character builder if the series. We learn about the vampires and other supernatural beings in Jane’s world. Including herself, the Skinwalker. A lot of the book was about who AND what Jane is, she remembers more and more about herself and her being. It was times a bit confusing but after a while it was pretty clear and easy to follow. The vampires in this book, were a great mix between the traditional and the more modern lore of vampires, I enjoyed that part. I also enjoyed that while the vampires were outed to the humans, they were still dangerous and to be feared. Unlike some books were vampires are just too tame. I liked the whole difference between “Blood-Slaves” and “Blood Servants”. And I’m sure we get more about it later on in the series and how it also can be a problem being one or the other. The only thing I didn’t care for as much in this book was the back and forth between Jane and Beast, it was all little much and a little confusing, confusing only in the beginning though. But the overall back and forth could have been cut down a bit. So far I liked most of characters, but that can change as the series goes on and we learn more about them. I really liked Jane, she is a strong female lead that can kick a$$, take names and is funny and very snarky. She takes risks to get the job done, but yet is very careful not to be outed for what she is. But at the same time she hopes someone can tell what she is. That is one of the struggles she has throughout the book. “Beast” I’m not that much a fan of hers just yet, she can be a bit much. Leo and Bruiser …I liked them both. Leo is charming and sexy and yet very dangerous and I’m sure we will learn much more about him. Bruiser, also very charming and can be dangerous, but also can be even more dangerous when it comes back to Leo. I foresee a triangle in the future, I hope I’m wrong since I’m not a huge fan of those, but time will tell. Also really liked her witchy friends Molly and her kids and husband and can’t wait to hear and learn more about them. Overall great first book. Plenty of action, twists and turns and a lot of suspense, on top plenty of humor.
I rate this book a strong 3 ½★ so far, just because I didn’t care as much for the back and forth of her and beast. Looking forward to the next book in the series.
Some of my favorite quotes:
“Do you cook too?” he asked, the tone teasing. “ ’Cause any woman who does a weapon striptease, handles a Benelli like she knows how to use it, and can cook, pushes all my buttons.”
“The man was so smooth he wouldn’t slide on an oil slick.”
“How can you stay worried when someone gives you warm chocolate chip cookies?”
“It looked to me like a vamp version of a pissing contest. Men will be boys.”
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