Jesse Sullivan isn’t afraid of any thing, any man, or any bull. But when he decides to take a chance and carve out a life outside his rodeo career, he feels like he’s walking on shaky ground. In typical Jesse style, he jumps at a chance to purchase Main Street Gallery, a Boise tradition in the art world.
Taylor DeMarco has two goals for the next year. Getting the gallery on sound financial ground to prove to her parents that she can keep her grandfather's legacy alive is the first one. Moving out of the house and into her own condo by the Boise River is the second. When she finds her folks are selling the gallery to Jesse, she vows to stop the sale, no holds barred.
When sparks fly between Jesse and Taylor, family gets in the way of reason, and they have to decide what is more important, their desires or keeping Main Street Gallery open and successful.
My thoughts:
This was a good read… Not the best but by far not the worst.
I did enjoy the story and thought it was a great idea. I liked that Jesse was not just a bull rider and that it took up his whole life. That he had other interests than the riding.
Though Taylor seemed to have only the art for her.
Most of the book took part in the art world, though we have Jesse and his very close family and the bull riding, it seemed to be more with Taylor, Jesse and the Gallery.
While I enjoyed the book for the most part I thought that it all seemed a bit rushed with them.
I just thought it was bit fast how everyone told her after one time how much Jesse is in love with her and how they are so great together. That was just a bit forced for me, at least in my opinion.
Also I have not read any of the other book so I wasn't familiar with most people but for me in this book, they all seemed a bit flat. They could have used some more depth to them. But, maybe that was because I was not familiar with the previous books and some were in those.
All in all I thought it was a good read.
I rate it at 3★
*I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!
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