Solina Mundy lives a quiet life, running the family bakery in her small North Carolina hometown. But one night, she suffers a vivid nightmare in which a wolfish beast is devouring her twin brother, who lives in Alaska. The next morning, police notify her that Mani is dead. Driven to learn the truth, Solina heads for the Land of the Midnight Sun. Once there, she begins to suspect Mani’s friends know more about his death than they’ve let on. Skyla, an ex-Marine, is the only one willing to help her.
As Solina and Skyla delve into the mystery surrounding Mani’s death, Solina is stunned to learn that her own life is tied to Mani’s friends, his death, and the fate of the entire world. If she can’t learn to control her newfound gifts and keep her friends safe, a long-lost dominion over mortals will rise again, and everything she knows will fall into darkness.
My thoughts:
I remember doing a cover reveal a while back for this book and thought it sounded really interesting. So I followed the book for a while and saw some really great reviews so went ahead and requested a copy of Netgalley. I’m glad that I did, this book is suck a great read and I loved it. It is well written and easy to follow. The characters are very likable and real.
The story keeps you guessing and keeps on the edge of your seat. I loved every minute of this book and wish I could read the next one right now.
I liked that it eases you into the fantasy part, not just throws you in. You slowly discover more and more just as Solina does. I loved Solina, she was such a lovable and relatable character, and she was strong but still had her flaws. What I really liked that she wanted to be independent and not have to depend on someone to safe her. She wanted to learn how to protect herself even with all those strong males around and not just let them handle it. She seemed to be a quick learner even when she didn’t think so at times.
You can find my full review here