Two years ago, a horde of bloodthirsty creatures ravaged Kydia Quinn’s home, leaving Whitney Lake a desolate wasteland. The Legion stepped in and took care of business, destroying the monsters and giving Kydia’s life purpose.
Now, a soldier for the creepy-crawly fighting squad (and able to kick butt better than anyone) Kydia can protect the people she loves from the horrible demons that skirt the shadows. But Kydia didn’t count on Grady, a swoon-worthy mystery man that completely throws her off her game. Grady takes the term creepy to a whole new level, strangely fascinated with Kydia to an obsessive degree.
As Kydia struggles to understand what Grady is and what his interest in her is all about, a new and more dangerous breed of monster skates into town, one the Legion thought was extinct.
Kydia finds herself the center of an archaic retaliation that puts her ¬¬life in jeopardy. She can battle monsters until the cows come home, but is she powerless when it comes to saving herself from a curse that threatens to break her soul?
My thoughts:
This was a great start to a new series.
It is fun, edgy, suspenseful, has plenty of action but also romance and heartbreak.
Kydia, was a fun character to follow, she is funny, smart, and strong, nothing will keep her down for long. She is full of spunk and sarcasm, which I love.
Grady, while I liked him I’m not really sure about him yet.
You can find my full review here